Indra Nooyi: A Transcultural Leader
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"If all you want is to screw this company down tight and get double-digit earnings growth and nothing else, then I’m the wrong person…companies today are bigger than many economies. We are little republics. We are engines of efficiency. If companies don't do [responsible] things, who is going to? Why not start making change now?" - Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo, Inc. "If you look at the job entirely from the American perspective, then it becomes impossible to run a global business…you have to relate your interests to the interests of other parts of the world - to be relevant in their societies. Indra seems to understand this instinctively." - Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State, United States of America.
She was regarded as the creator of PEP's growth strategy, 'Performance with Purpose', that strove to balance strong financial returns with giving back to communities all over the world. As part of the strategy, PEP offered a range of choices that were healthy, convenient, and fun while reducing their impact on the environment and promoting an inclusive culture at the workplace. In line with this strategy, PEP was listed both on the Dow Jones North America Sustainability Index and Dow Jones World Sustainability Indexes.2 "I have been particularly impressed by her willingness to do the right thing for her employees and consumers... I believe that all socially responsible companies could learn from Indra Nooyi's style of leadership...," said Howard Schultz, chairman, president and CEO of Starbucks Coffee Co. Rosabeth Moss Kanter3 described Nooyi as a visionary who was cross-cultural, female, and values-driven, whose approach would be required in this era of globalization, where an individual's problems belonged to everyone else.
1] Fortune is a global business magazine published by Time Inc. ![]()
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